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In order to understand your suitability for hair transplantation, you must go through a doctor's evaluation. Your doctor will direct you to a hair transplant attempt or other treatment options after performing the necessary analysis. Tests to be Done Before Hair Transplantation, Determination of Blood Type, CBC (Complete Blood Count), Biochemistry (routine), PTZ-APTT (Coagulation), PT-PTT-INR (Coagulation test), HBs Ag, Anti HBC, Anti HIV. As a result of these tests, your suitability for hair transplantation is understood. On the other hand, if there is no skin disease in the hairy area, it should be treated. Your suitability for hair transplantation is examined by a specialist in our polyclinic.
Since hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia or with sedation, pain is not felt. Here, the patient's pain threshold is also important. A slight pain is felt during anesthesia. After anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain.
Hair transplantation is a process that takes between 6 and 8 hours.
The transplanted hair starts to fall out within 15 days. The patient recovers. From the 3rd month, the hair starts to grow slowly. However, in 5-6 months, most of the hair will come out. Hair growth and thickening continue for up to 1 year.
Since the donor area for hair transplantation is the area coded not to fall out, the hair taken from that area and transplanted to the top and front area will not shed for life.

The number of hair strands in a graft is not fixed. On average, it contains 2 hair strands. All grafts are unique. In this direction, it can be said that 1 graft produces 1 to 6 hairs.

FUE While it is necessary to wait for the grooving process in the technique, DHIIt can be directly planted in . DHI It is especially used when frequent planting is required in a narrow area. FUE It is recommended for applications to larger areas on the scalp.

Hair transplantation is a surgical solution, not a herbal solution. The person's hair and hair roots are transferred to himself. Therefore, hair transplantation is the definitive solution.

People who have baldness problems between the ages of 20-65 can have hair transplantation. The sooner a solution is found in hair loss, the more positive results will be obtained.

Season is not important in hair transplantation. As long as it is protected from sun rays and weather conditions such as rain, hair transplantation can be done for 12 months.

Hair transplantation is not performed for people with diseases such as heart, diabetes, liver failure, kidney failure. It is not recommended for people with blood pressure and diabetes.

Visible results are obtained in 3 months after hair transplantation and clear results are obtained after 8 months. If the patient does not grow hair after hair transplantation, it will have a traumatic effect for the patient. Therefore, the hair transplant center should be well researched and it should be ensured that the person who will transplant is competent.

Hair transplantation is an application performed under the control of a doctor. It is a reliable application as long as it is done in a reliable center under the supervision of an expert team.

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    Frequently Asked Questions